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Deep Roots Audience Experience

We hope you enjoyed/are enjoying your Deep Roots experience. Please provide us with some information so we can continue to improve the Festival for future audiences. Please complete by SEPTEMBER 27.

You will have a chance to give us your name and email address at the end of the survey if you would like to be entered in a draw for some Deep Roots merchandise.

How did you hear about the Deep Roots Festival?
How many Deep Roots Festivals have you attended in the last ten years?
Did you purchase a Festival Pass this year?
Why or why not?
How would you rate the information in the Program brochure/online schedule?
Please share any specific comments you have about how the information in the Program brochure/online schedule could be improved.
Please rate the physical venues where you attended these performances.
Festival Theatre
Al Whittle Theatre
Festival Tent
Wolfville Library
Wolfville Farmer's Market
Wolfville Baptist Church
KC Irving Garden Room
Ross Creek Annex
Paddy's Pub
VCLA Community Hub
Please share any specific comments you have about one or more of these venues.
Overall, what did you like most about Deep Roots this year?
What suggestions do you have about how the Deep Roots Festival can be improved?
And now some information about yourself
Where do you live?
Which Province/Territory?
Which country?
If you are from outside the Wolfville area, will you be renting accommodation in or near Wolfville in order to attend the Deep Roots Festival?
Is there anything else you would like to share about the Deep Roots Festival?
Please give us your name and email address if you would like to be entered in a draw for some Deep Roots merchandise.
Only necessary for entry in the draw.