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Survey: Perceived Stress and Cannabis Consumption

Individuals’ Perceived Stress and Cannabis Consumption

Consent Form

Yanic Nicolas-Pelletier, Student, email:


You are invited to participate in a research project examining perceived stress and cannabis consumption in adults. You will be asked to complete three questionnaires: one will consist of demographic questions, another will assess cannabis use (i.e., whether you use cannabis or not), and the final questions will assess stress levels. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time without penalty. However, because no names or identifying information are included with your questionnaire, once you have submitted your responses, it will no longer be possible for the researcher to remove your data from the data set. Please note that by consenting to participate, you have not waived your rights to legal recourse should you experience any research-related harm. This study is being conducted as part of a course requirement for the Research Design and Analysis course (PSYC 2023).

All information obtained is strictly confidential. DO NOT include your names on the questionnaires. The only potentially identifying information associated with your responses will be your age, gender, and ethnicity. Please note that any data sent electronically or stored online may be legally accessed by domestic or foreign authorities. All responses will be analyzed as a group and all data will be presented in summary form; no individual data will ever be presented. Only the researcher and potentially the lab instructor for the course will see the raw data. However, participants’ data may be accessed by designated employees of Acadia University as needed to fulfill their duties in managing and maintaining Acadia’s software and hardware systems. While the results of this study will be included in a paper submitted for PSYC 2023 and will be presented to other students in the PSYC 2023 course as part of a course requirement, as mentioned above, only summary statistics will ever be presented and no individual data will ever be included in the paper or in the presentation. 

This study will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.  There are no known harms from the completion of this study. There are no direct benefits to you in terms of the research results; however, your participation will contribute to a dataset that will be used to further our understanding of the relationship between these variables.

     By clicking Next, I acknowledge that I have read and that I understand the above information and have been given the opportunity to ask questions and have them answered to my satisfaction.

There are 18 questions in this survey.